Nyamdo Mentorship Program


The Nyamdo (Tibetan for “together”) Mentorship Program is a joint venture between the Tibetan Woman’s Association of Toronto (TWAO) and the TCCC Youth Committee. It aims to help Tibetan Youth learn about the breadth of opportunity available to them, along with the depth of specific fields they may be interested in. It does so by pairing youth with professionals that are knowledgeable in their areas of interest.

One other way the mentorship program is trying to inform youth about their interests is through Nyamdo Talks – a weekly live session where a professional is spoken with to get insights on their career/education path.

The program is currently in its first iteration. Please contact the @NyamdoMentorship Instagram or Facebook page, if you are interested in being a mentee or mentor, or learning more about the program itself!


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